Feces of a healthy person are well knit as a rope round, long and flexible. It is free of foul smell, brown and falls suddenly, without any pressure and without sticking anywhere. This is the position of an ideal excretory activity. Any other form indicates constipation.
No movement of rapid excretion for the whole day or for several days, solid excretion stapled, taking long active excretory goes for excretion and over again, or less thin and fetid odor of feces, sensation of movement, even after excretion, flows with sticky excretion, etc.
Constipation is caused by using drugs fried and roasted, candy, snacks, salty, spicy diet, stimulants, fatty acid-rich food, no consumption of green leafy vegetables and, using less water, take food, even when not hungry, get food again and again, hastily taken food without chewing it well, going to bed immediately after taking meals, being a state of anxiety, sleeping late, doing no work, taking laxatives too strong etc.
Treatment using home remedies
Take plenty of green vegetables and fibrous food regularly with fruits and juices.
Taking fresh water mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey and lemon juice regularly for a number of days as first thing in the morning.
Taking the water overnight soaked raisins and a 25 figs regularly for a few days.
Drink water stored in a container made of copper. Drink water immediately before or after meals should be avoided. Drink water at least half an hour before or after meals.
Treatment with Yog
Practice of sun salutation every morning.
Regular practice of asanas Trikon, Vajra Asana, Vajra Asana Superintendent, Mandook Asana, Asana Bhujang, Dhanur Asana, Asana Pawanmukta, Makar Asana, Asana Sarwang.
Practice of Kriya Agnisar for 3-5 minutes.
Practice of Kapal Bhati Pranayam for 5-7 minutes.
Have Shank Prakshalan twice a year to keep your digestive power strong.
Treatment with ayurveda new york
The treatment depends on individual dosha prakriti.
Triphala gram powder of 5-10 hot water after a meal twice daily.
Hingwashtika powder 3-5 grams with hot water for your food twice a day.
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